Pilates classes with Jill Langley in the Chesterfield area

Community Pilates sessions are a modern approach to Pilates focusing on:
Strengthening muscles to support the spine and gain a flatter tummy
Controlling movements to increase body awareness and balance
Good posture to improve ease of movement through better alignment
Flexibility to increase mobility and re-energise your daily life
Rehab/Recovery/Older Adults Sessions are for people of all ages recovering from injury or surgery focusing on:
Aerobic content to increase lung capacity
Exercises and stretches to rebuild joint mobility
Strength work with bands or weights to maintain and develop muscle power
Balance work to improve stability, it's never too late to start! Contact Helen Carr 07832 127337 for more information
Community Pilates
9.15 -10.15am
All Levels
Parish Rooms,
New Street, Wingerworth
Chesterfield, S42 6TB
10:30 - 11:30am
All Levels (Currently full)
Parish Rooms,
New Street, Wingerworth
Chesterfield, S42 6TB
Autumn 2024 dates:
6 week block: 10, 17, 24 Sept; 1, 8, 15 Oct
6 week block: 5, 12, 19, 26 Nov; 3, 10 Dec
9:15 -10:15am
Intermediate (Currently full)
St. John's Church,
Walton Back Lane,
Walton, Chesterfield, S40 7LT
Autumn 2024 dates:
6 week block: 11, 18, 25 Sept; 2, 9, 16 Oct
6 week block: 6, 13, 20, 27 Nov; 4, 11, Dec
10.50 -11.50am
Rehab/Recovery/Older Adults
Contact Helen Carr for more information on classes
07832 127337
Holiday Classes
During the summer, I will run a series of holiday classes:
Tuesdays at Wingerworth (venue details above) 9.30-10.30am on 30 Jul, 6 & 13 Aug
Wednesdays at Walton (venue details above) 9.15-10.15am on 31 Jul, 7 & 14 Aug
These will be: £8 for 1 class, £15 for 2, £20 for 3 or £8 - Pay As You Go.
Newcomers are welcome to use these sessions as a taster - the first class is free!
Community Pilates rates
£42 for 6 classes
(paid in advance)
First class free (£35 for next 5)
Following half term - paid in advance on last day of previous half term - £42.00pp for the next 6 week block
Paid after that date - £45.00pp for the next 6 week block
Or 'Pay as You Go' £9.00 per class
Contact: Jill Langley 07957 566704
Rehab/Older Adults rates
£6.50 per class or discounted price of £36 for 6 classes (paid in advance)
Contact: Helen Carr 07832 127337